EZI-DOCK - Ezi-Flow CSV Damp Down System

RX Code: ECG

Safe change of Ezi-Flow active casettes


  • High Containment Performance OEB 5 / <1µg/m3
  • Fast, Full-Bore Discharge
  • Liquid Tight, Low Maintenance
  • Single-Use Chargebag & Passive Connection
  • 4-5 times cheaper than “Old Style” Split Butterfly Valve alternatives
  • Fast, Trouble-Free Supply

Our Expert

Sierk van Veen

Email: info@romynox.nl
Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Our Expert

Ronald van der Boon

Email: info@romynox.nl
Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Our Expert

Jordan Blauw

Email: info@romynox.nl
Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Our Expert

Wouter Eland

Email: info@romynox.nl
Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Our Expert

Nick van Pel

Email: info@romynox.nl
Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Ezi-Flow CSV Damp Down System ensures a safe change of CSV active casettes by spraying liquid or damping the system completely enclosed.

Ezi-Flow CSV Damp Down System ensures a safe change of CSV active casettes by spraying liquid or damping the system completely enclosed.

The Damp Down System is designed to change a CSV active casette in a simple, quick and safe way when the internal systems must be damped down or wetted to reduce the chance of airborne particles. The Damp Down System creates a seal between the system and the outside, so the system is completely enclosed. Change a CSV active casette simple and safe in minutes! Watch the video for more information.



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