SAINT-GOBAIN - Tygon® 2475 I.B. High-Purity Pressure Tubing

RX Code: HGI

To withstand higher pressures.


  • No added plasticizer
  • Tough braid reinforcement for elevated working pressures
  • Same smooth inner fluid contact layer as Tygon® 2475
  • Meets USP <88> Class VI

Our Expert

Ronald van der Boon

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Our Expert

Jordan Blauw

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Our Expert

Wouter Eland

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Our Expert

Nick van Pel

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Tygon® 2475 I.B. high-pressure thermoplastic tubing is engineered with textile reinforcement to withstand higher pressures.

Using the same smooth inner fluid contact layer as Tygon® 2475, Tygon 2475 I.B. may be successfully used for higher-pressure applications such as single-use UF/DF skids and chromatography skids. Tygon® 2475 I.B. is formulated without softening agents that may extract, reducing potential contamination of sensitive fluids in biopharmaceutical applications. The clear construction of Tygon® 2475 I.B. tubing makes it possible to visually inspect the fluid path and ensure consistency.



This product features a custom configuration designed to meet your specific needs. Our sales team will review the options with your after receiving your quoute request, ensuring the best solution for your requirements.

Gas(Ethylene Oxide) Yes
Radiation  45 kGy
Appearance  Clear
Durometer Hardness Shore A, 15 Sec 72
Maximum Recommended Operating Temperature, °F (°C) 125 (52)
Brittleness by Impact Temperature, °F (°C) -108 (-78)
Low Temperature Flexibility, °F (°C) (tubing) -94 (-70)
Water Absorption, % 24 hrs. @ 23°C <0.01


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