FREUDENBERG - PharmaFocus® Premium Peristaltic Pump Tubing

RX Code: HFG

With increased durability for longer-lasting tube life


  • For peristaltic pumps and pinch valves
  • Superior strength

Our Expert

Ronald van der Boon

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Our Expert

Jordan Blauw

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Our Expert

Wouter Eland

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Our Expert

Nick van Pel

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

PharmaFocus® Premium Peristaltic Pump Tubing is a high-purity silicone tubing specifically designed for peristaltic pumps and pinch valves and is ideal for demanding pumping applications.

Our Peristaltic Pump Tubing undergoes a stabilization process unique to Freudenberg Medical that provides the additional benefits of strength, performance, and longer life. Typical hardness: 50 Shore A. The tubing is individually packaged in pre-cut lengths of 15 m.



This product features a custom configuration designed to meet your specific needs. Our sales team will review the options with your after receiving your quoute request, ensuring the best solution for your requirements.

Typical hardness: 50 Shore A
Shelf life : 3 years after the date of production non sterilized
Cleanroom: ISO 8
material tests available upon request : Extractables test results - BPOG & USP 665, USP Class VI,ISO 10993, European Pharmacopoeia 3.1.9, USP 85, 87, 88, 661, 788


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