RX Code: HGH

Biocompatible Peristaltic Pump NL


  • Outlasts silicone tubing in peristaltic pumps
  • Withstands repeated autoclaving
  • Withstands repeated CIP and SIP cleaning and sterilization
  • Documented Biocompatibility
  • Multiple Manufacturing sites

Onze Expert

Ronald van der Boon

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11


Jordan Blauw

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11


Wouter Eland

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

Onze Expert

Nick van Pel

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11


Cheung Lau

Call: +31 (0)85 043 31 11

PharMed® BPT tubing has been formulated to withstand peristaltic pumping action while providing the biocompatible fluid surface required in sensitive bioprocess applications

Its unique formulation provides superior flex life but also delivers superior performance throughout its service life. This reduces the risk of pump tubing failure. Increases process efficiency, reduces downtime, and increases production yields.

Simplifies Cleaning and Sterilization:

It is compatible with virtually all commercial cleaners and sanitizers and can be repeatedly autoclaved for up to five cycles without affecting the overall service life. PharMed BPT also withstands 50kGy of gamma radiation with minimal effect.

High Barrier Properties:

BPT tubing is ideal for protecting sensitive fluids in a variety of biopharmaceutical operations including media mixing, cell culture, harvest, and purification. PharMed BPT tubing has very high general chemical resistance and excellent acid, alkali, and oxidation resistance. Opaque to visible and UV light, PharMed BPT tubing protects light-sensitive fluids. PharMed BPT tubing also features an excellent surface finish and is compatible with most standard bioprocessing equipment. It is suitable for use in aseptic operations and is available in a variety of sizes and lengths.



This product features a custom configuration designed to meet your specific needs. Our sales team will review the options with your after receiving your quoute request, ensuring the best solution for your requirements.

Materials TPE Thermoplastic Elastomer Tubing
Durometer Hardness Shore A, 15 Sec 64
Maximum Service Temperature, °F (°C) 275 (135)
Low-Temperature Embrittlement, °F (°C) 75 (-59)
max. cumulative Gamma dose 50kGy
Autoclaving 30 min at 121°C


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