Single Use Bottle Assemblies
Cap2v8 Sterile Media
Romynox provides single use bottle assemblies for a wide variety of applications. Whether your application has a need for a closed system with containers such as Erlenmeyer/Spinner/Shaker Flasks, Carboys, Roller Bottles, Custom GL45 Bottles, or Custom Media Bottles, etc., we offer a solution. Closures for these bottle assemblies produced in various technologies: Molded Silicone, Molded TPE, machined or welded inserts made of PVDF and PP. Besides that we als delivers bottle cap connectors in stainless steel. We offers Custom Solutions for all of your individual bottle and assembly needs. Regardless the technology or uniqueness of bottle design, a variety of products and components can be assembled to meet your specific needs.
Read more about Brand: SANISURE
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